17.01.15. Linrec's modification which is much simpler in realization is at the moment developed, it can be collected in the existing laboratories within a year and it is much less in sizes and cost. Data before patenting can't be published. The principles of a new design of Linrec can't be found in already published materials - including materials published on this site.

04.05.15. At the moment Linrec exists in the theory so far. The reason why real work on Linrec didn't begin yet is impossibility to get the patent of Linrec design in the current situation. Without patent the investors don't invest money, besides, disclosure of design before its patenting can lead to using Linrec by undesirable forces. The author is ready to patent Linrec in the USA and the EU - the countries having potential for full implementation of the project. But the author, being in Ukraine, can't earn money for the international patenting. By measures of the developed countries, these are small money, but for honest work in Ukraine this money is unreal. Paradox - project with potential profit in billions are slowed down due to the lack of opportunity to earn twenty thousand.

31.10.15. Often somebody is asking why the author won't publish a full design of the reactor Linrek. Because it won't do good. Open information will be used in the purposes of that who at the moment has more power and more money. Who is sure, that in this case Linrek will work for the benefit of people, but not for destruction of the planet and enslavement of people? I am not sure. Therefore information will be published only after patenting and the beginning of works. If someone doubts – please look: what is changed after discovery of electricity, an internal combustion engine, planes, atomic energy. Whether became wars less, whether each person is free now, whether the ecology improved? No. I want to patent an effective design of Linrek and to carry out the project with profit – money is necessary to me for creation of the new city in which there will not be evil – and practice shows that if not to carry out it by own forces, nobody will help. Besides, imagine that the project is carried out without author (sure, it will be so if I publish an effective design of Linrek). Whether there will be successful and fair a project, cornerstone of that obvious injustice is?

04.01.16. This site, , don’t contain the design of effective Linrec reactor. Site contains only general principle of Linrec reactor and general elementary method of calculation of Linrec efficiency. Also there is no publication in the world of similar design like effective Linrec. The concrete design of the effective reactor Linrec can be published only after patenting. The scheme of the effective reactor Linrec has four innovations in comparison with published one and the proof of power efficiency.

12.01.16. The Reactor Linrec project is stopped for all the time while the author is in the territory of Ukraine. The reason – the local legislation doesn't allow freely (without a possibility of dishonest putting to secret) to submit the application for obtaining the patent in other countries (Article 37. Patenting of the invention (useful model) in the foreign states. Law of Ukraine On protection of the rights for inventions and useful models). And also due to widespread theft of intellectual property. Though Ukraine has joined the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and in the same Law of protection of the rights for inventions there is an article 4 establishing PCT priority, article 37 denies the RO/IB PCT procedure of filing of PCT Application without Ukrpatent. Because of negligence (or evil intention?) of jurists the technical progress is slowed down and the intellectual property is stolen from authors.

02.07.16. The final design of Linrec reactor isn't disclosed yet, but this design was already stolen at the level of the drawing of the schematic diagram! On the page we can see impudently stolen drawing of the schematic diagram with a copyright sign. Therefore there is no speech about any disclosure of a final design – before justice establishment.

29.08.16 At 19.08.2016 the violator have deleted my text and my drawing from his site. The video of copyright violation is available on

05.08.17 More than 4 years have passed since the time when I published an article with the proof of the perspective of a linear thermonuclear reactor on counter plasma beams. And more than 2 years have passed since the time when I get a scheme of the Linrec-2 reactor, which differs from previously published approximately the way a sports electric car differs from a Persian chariot. During this time, the reactor could already start work and start the process of deliverance of the global warming and pollution of the planet.
In Ukraine, this project has been hampered by local legislation, economic reasons and local public consciousness. For me personally, this meant persecution, slander and impossibility to work.
Since January 2017 I have been in Poland, since April 2017 - in Denmark. Unfortunately, the attitude towards the project in these countries is not much different from what was happening in Ukraine. Quite a lot of competent people in developed countries are aware of the Linrec-2 project, the scheme of which has not yet been disclosed because it is impossible to file a patent application. In the absence of complete information, someone estimates the probability that Linrec-2 is the solution for the design of a fusion reactor that will really become the basis of the future energy industry, as 50%, someone as 10%, and someone as 90%. But at the same time there was not a single country and no one person with sufficient resources to support the project on an honest partnership basis. Although there is too many people who try to steal this project, to seize the information through deception or by pressure using power on the brink of crime, by espionage in all these countries. One gets the impression that some people on the planet Earth will prefer the complete destruction of this planet if they are not allowed to steal, deceive and demonstrate their superiority over another humans on this planet.
The only hope is that there are people with a different mindset on the Earth yet.

24.10.17. The article "New deciphering of Gobekli Tepe" was written on the 10/16/2017, and the next day was published on Facebook . This is the beginning of the decoding of the symbols of the world's oldest temple. This publication does not mean that the author stopped the Linrec project and only dealt with the history of civilization. This is an illustration for those who doubt the breakthrough and novelty of the new Linrec-2 reactor.
Article can be read via links and

18.04.2018. Those who prevent the safe opening of the scheme of a fundamentally new industrial fusion reactor Linrec-2 are responsible for the diseases, death and suffering of people all over the world, who because of these inhuman beings are deprived of cheap ecologically clean thermonuclear energy. These nonhumans from the SBU, the Ukrainian government, special services of other countries are cursed and will bear their punishment from God.

28.04.2018. Dear owner and staff of the company FreeWHA. Hello. I am Anatolii Kharchenko, the owner of the site http: // Thank you for support. For 5 years you have been supporting my site and its part Although in Ukraine there is a very strong impediment to this project. So strong that I personally am put on the brink of physical survival. Since you keep your word and help me for more than 5 years, I promise you 10% of my personal net profit from the Linrec-2 project. If you do not mind, you will receive this percentage in case the success of the Linreс-2 project independently of any circumstances. 5 years ago I started the Linrec project from the publication on the site Then I did not have a final reactor design, and I estimated the likelihood that mankind would invent an effective thermonuclear reactor that would actually produce electricity on an industrial scale, like 50%. Now I personally have such a scheme, invented by me personally, and there is absolutely clear proof of the effectiveness of the Linrec-2 reactor. However, the thieves' authorities of Ukraine, SBU and the special services of some other countries staged a real terror to the Linrec-2 project and to me personally, including interference in means of communication and a threat to physical survival, destroyed my family. And now I estimate the likelihood that I will get the conditions for the safe disclosure of the Linrec-2 scheme with a guarantee of retaining intellectual property, like 50%. And 50% for the fact that the Linrec-2 scheme will never be disclosed, since a society dominated by aggressive, lying people, is unworthy of obtaining a source of pure cheap unlimited energy. At the moment your company FreeWHA is my only real partner who supports the project, adhering to the democratic values ​​of freedom of speech and freedom of creativity. And from this day you are also the financial partner of Linrec-2 with a 10% share. I want to reveal the scheme of the Linrec-2 fusion reactor as soon as possible, while retaining intellectual property for this scheme. There are several steps and several options are possible, including the publication of the scheme at I want to consult with you, as with partners, how to do this so as not to lose intellectual property. Can I ask you some questions on this topic? Sincerely, Anatolii Kharchenko.

07.05.2018. Dear President of USA Donald Trump. Hello. I'm Anatolii Kharchenko, and you know who I am. I thank you for the fact that the United States is an example for other countries and peoples, as a country that respects and protects intellectual property. In particular, the United States is an example of how citizens, private individuals obtain patents for fusion reactors and how private firms build experimental thermonuclear reactors. In the near future I am going to disclose and publish the scheme of the new industrial fusion reactor Linrec-2 and the proof of its effectiveness, after removing obstacles and and under the condition of the preservation of intellectual property. I promise you 4% of my personal net profit from this project, while I'm alive, in case I receive personal profit (money) from this project. I can sign a document about this, if your desire. I do not demand anything from you. It is enough that you are an example of respect for intellectual property, and this is your reward. Other people will also be involved in this project. I hope that you understand that 4% of the energy of all mankind is not so little. The transition to thermonuclear energy from hydrogen and other light elements is a new era in the history of mankind. I hope that you understand this. If the source of cheap clean unlimited energy falls into evil hands, to aggressive and deceitful people, then it will bring many misfortunes to mankind. I want that only good and reliable people who want peace, development of mankind and happiness for all people will take part in the profit of the Linrec-2 project. --------- Friends World Committee for Consultation. World Office. Hello. I'm Anatolii Kharchenko, and you know who I am. Thank you for your help to me and to the Linrec project in the past, in particular, with your friends Alena Krumgold, Nadjezhda Spassenko and Jola from Warsaw. In the near future I am going to disclose and publish the scheme of the new industrial fusion reactor Linrec-2 and the proof of its effectiveness, after removing obstacles and and under the condition of the preservation of intellectual property. I promise you 4% of my personal net profit from this project, while I'm alive, in case I receive personal profit (money) from this project. I can sign a document about this, if your desire. Other people will also be involved in this project. I hope that you understand that 4% of the energy of all mankind is not so little. The transition to thermonuclear energy from hydrogen and other light elements is a new era in the history of mankind. I hope that you understand this. If the source of cheap clean unlimited energy falls into evil hands, to aggressive and deceitful people, then it will bring many misfortunes to mankind. I want that only good and reliable people who want peace, development of mankind and happiness for all people will take part in the profit of the Linrec-2 project. Здравствуйте. Я Анатолий Харченко, и вы знаете кто я. Благодарю вас за помощь, оказанную мне и проекту Линрек в прошлом, в частности, вашими друзьями Аленой Крумгольд, Надеждой Спассенко и Йолой из Варшавы. В ближайшее время я собираюсь раскрыть и опубликовать схему нового индустриального термоядерного реактора Линрек-2 и доказательство его эффективности, после устранения препятствий и при условии сохранения интеллектуальной собственности. Я обещаю вам 4% от моей личной нетто прибыли от этого проекта, пока я жив, в случае получения мной лично прибыли (денег) от этого проекта. Я могу подписать документ от этом проценте, при вашем желании. В этом проекте будут задействованы также другие люди. Я надеюсь, что вы понимаете, что 4% от энергетики всего человечества - это не так мало. Переход на термоядерную энергию из водорода и других легких элементов - это новая эра в истории человечества. Я надеюсь , что вы понимаете это. Если источник дешевой чистой неограниченной энергии попадет в злые руки, к агрессивным и лживым людям, то это принесет много бед человечеству. Я хочу, чтобы в прибыли проекта Линрек-2 участвовали добрые и надежные люди, желающие мира, развития человечества и счастья для всех людей.

09.05.2018. Dear partners. You are participants in the profit of the Linrec-2 project with the reported net profit share. Although at the moment paper documents between us are not signed, in the case of the launch of the Linrec-2 project and the receipt of my profit, I will pay you your share, regardless of the circumstances. I think my words are enough for you. You do not need any action, except, perhaps, some kind of action according to your will and on your own. You got your share of your past noble actions. Nevertheless, I will inform you about the progress of the Linrec-2 project, and you can give me recommendations and advice, for which I will be very grateful to you. Our common goal is to transfer the energy of mankind to clean, cheap and unlimited energy using the Linrec-2 fusion reactors. Undoubtedly, such energy will open a new era not only in the energy sector, but also in the history of mankind, will provide an opportunity to master the entire galaxy and create new planets for people's lives. But for this, such energy must initially come in reliable, kind hands. I will explain the current situation to date. Before disclosing the Linrec-2 scheme with proof of its effectiveness, I want to be sure of the preservation of intellectual property. This is an indicator that the process of disclosing the Linrec-2 scheme begins with fairness, honesty, and will follow this path in the future. Any injustice in the beginning, for example, theft of intellectual property, will lead to injustice in the future. I hope that you, as well as I, are interested in preserving my intellectual property. And if someone steals my intellectual property, he will also steal your money. I want to reveal the Linrec-2 scheme as soon as possible by filing a patent application and immediately publishing for evaluation by scientists and expertise, followed by the immediate construction of the first Linrec-2 reactor. Now, being in Ukraine, I can not disclose my Linrec-2 scheme for the following reasons. 1. The laws of Ukraine provide that after filing a patent application in Ukrpatent, an economically important invention may be classified. In this case, the patent is not issued. If the author of the invention receives a patent in another country, Ukraine will not, by its laws, give a patent in Ukraine and can use the invention without the author. Article 8-2 of the Law of Ukraine and articles 12-3, 33-в , 37 of the Law / show / 3687-12. These laws are absolutely unfair, they violate human rights and in fact confiscate from inventors their intellectual property. No doubt, an industrial thermonuclear reactor is an economically important invention. If I submit a patent application to Ukrpatent, the patent will not be given to me, and the information will fall into the hands of the oligarchs and their aggressive lackeys. The Ukrainian oligarchs, who now stand in power, are no better than Russian oligarchs, they got their money by stealing, deceiving and destroying the country. Therefore, filing an application with Ukrpatent is absolutely excluded. More than a year ago, I wrote to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the amendment of the above laws. But in return I received only reprisals, pressure on the place of residence and the place of work. In 2016, I wrote a statement to the Security Service of Ukraine SBU with the question of whether a patent application for a thermonuclear reactor would be classified when filed in Ukrpatent or not. I received no concrete answer to this question at all, and a day later my house in the village was robbed. 2. If I publish my scheme, for example, on the Internet, then I will not receive any guarantee for the preservation of intellectual property, as you will not receive any guarantees of profit. 3. I am now in Ukraine. I am under enormous pressure from the oligarchic corrupt totalitarian fascist government of Ukraine, in particular from the SBU. For example, my presentation was stolen by a firm close to the SBU. The video evidence is here - After the publication of this video, the SBU arranged for trouble at the place of residence. Wherever I start to work in Ukraine, the SBU starts through its agents to arrange for my partners or employers to check, to press, interfere with their work. Also, if I rent an apartment or a place in a hostel, SBU, through agents, presses on the owners of the housing, so that they arrange trouble for me in the place of residence. If you want, you can also see the facts of pressures on me at (this information is for partners only). Repeatedly they tried to arrange an accident at work, SBU scared me by SMS messages repeatedly and reported that it would not allow me to implement the Linrec project. In conditions of such pressure, it is dangerous to disclose the Linrec-2 scheme, especially in Ukraine. SBU interferes with my entries in social networks, in e-mail, in personal surroundings. I applied to three law firms in Ukraine to help in the safe disclosure of the Linrec-2 scheme. Instead of giving me such help, all three law firms asked to send them the Linrec-2 scheme allegedly for transmission to anonymous partners. In Ukraine there are no independent lawyers, all lawyers known to me depend on the SBU. In Ukraine, there is an established system for theft of intellectual property, which involves judges, police, lawyers. Ukrainian oligarchs, who own billions, spend huge sums of money on theft of intellectual property, to pay their agents and bribe state officials. Authors and inventors in Ukraine are an absolutely unprotected and oppressed social group. I explained to you the situation, so you know who specifically prevents the transition of humanity to clean, cheap energy. At the same time, I do not lose hope while alive, and I expect from you recommendations and advice, if you have them. Thank you. Sincerely, Anatolii Kharchenko.

27.05.2018. For an innovative company. Currently, I have a scheme I invented and a description of the new industrial thermonuclear (fusion) reactor Linrec-2, which is based on a completely new principle. Also, I have absolutely clear and understandable proof of the effectiveness of this new thermonuclear reactor Linrec-2, its multiple superiority in efficiency over all other models of thermonuclear reactors. Accordingly, this new Linrec-2 reactor has an industrial future and it must replace all existing industrial energy sources in the future as a source of clean, cheap and unlimited energy. Scheme of the new reactor Linrec-2 was not published anywhere. Although I have this scheme for more than two years, but until now it is only in my head, because there are great difficulties with the safe disclosure of this scheme and with the preservation of intellectual property. On my site (reactor Linrec) there is no Linrec-2 scheme and there are no hints at the principle of the operation of Linrec-2. But here you can see the process of my work from 2013. I work as a private person, an independent researcher, the state never did help me in my work. On the contrary, the Ukrainian authorities constantly interfere with the Linrec project and will hamper the publication of the Linrec-2 scheme. These Ukrainian authorities violate human rights, freedom of speech and do great harm to all mankind. They will also try to steal my intellectual property. In the near future, I want to disclose and publish the scheme of the fusion reactor Linrec-2 and the proof of its effectiveness, if intellectual property will be preserved. For a greater guarantee of the preservation of intellectual property during the disclosure and publication of the Linrec-2 scheme, I want to enter into a contract with the partners of this project before disclosing the scheme. My partners are an additional guarantee of preserving my intellectual property and I give them a certain share in my personal net profit in the project. At the moment, I want to enter into a contract with a partner who, after disclosing the Linrec-2 scheme, will be able to build the world's first Linrec-2 thermonuclear reactor in a short time (one to two years) with me together. Thus, its industrial applicability will be finally proved. Also, with the help of the first Linrec-2 reactor, it is necessary to find the optimum reactor parameters for maximum efficiency of this reactor in industrial applications. I have a plan for constructing the first Linrec-2 reactor, its full design with engineering details, algorithms for bringing the first Linrec-2 reactor to the industrial level and algorithms for finding its optimal parameters for maximum efficiency. I want to disclose these algorithms after the disclosure of the Linrec-2 scheme, during the construction of the first reactor Linrec-2 in reality. So, now I'm looking for a technical and financial partner for this process. It is clear that before the disclosure of the Linrec-2 scheme, it is possible to agree only on a possible and promising cooperation. However, I want to conclude a preliminary agreement with a technical and financial partner before disclosing the Linrec-2 scheme. This will be an additional guarantee of retaining my intellectual property in the process of disclosing the scheme. In addition, after the disclosure of the Linrec-2 scheme, it is necessary to build the first Linrec-2 reactor as soon as possible in order to be the first in the world to build an enterprise for the large-scale production of the Linrec-2 reactors and to transfer world energy to thermonuclear, ecologically clean, cheap and unlimited energy as soon as possible. This will ensure that all possible competitors will be outperformed and we will lead in the global energy industry, as well as we will have multi-billion dollar profits for a long time. So, I propose your company to become my technical and financial partner by concluding a preliminary contract before disclosing the Linrec-2 scheme to protect your interests and my interests. Terms can be negotiated only in a personal meeting. The main condition is fairness and mutual guarantees. Such a contract does not oblige you to participate in the project after the disclosure of the Linrec-2 scheme, but gives you the opportunity to get a priority in the production of the Linrec-2 reactors, as well as the share in my profits from intellectual property. If, after the disclosure and publication of the Linrec-2 scheme, you do not see industrial prospects for yourself in this reactor, you can refuse to participate and impose penalties on me. If your company sees an industrial application of the Linrec-2 reactor and multi-billion profits, after the disclosure and publication of the Linrec-2 scheme, you will get a priority in the production of this reactor and a share of the profits from my intellectual property. The contract should provide for your presence in the disclosure of the Linrec-2 scheme and your feasible participation in the disclosure of the Linrec-2 scheme. When concluding a preliminary contract, your company does not actually take any risks, but it gets an opportunity to get multi-billion profits and become a leader in the world energy. If I will disclose the Linrec-2 scheme with another technical and financial partner, or if my intellectual property will be stolen by other companies, your firm will not be able to take a leading position in thermonuclear power and world energy. If I open the Linrec-2 scheme with a preliminary contract with your firm on partnership, and my intellectual property will be preserved, then your company will become a leader in the world energy industry and will receive multi-billion profit for a long time. I am interested in the technical and financial partner of the Linrec-2 project, which is distinguished by its accuracy, decision-making rapidity, high level of management, reliability, honesty, respect for intellectual property. If your company wants to become such a partner of the Linrec-2 project now, to disclose the scheme and description of Linrec-2, please inform me. You can contact me by replying to this mail to and by calling +380953260824. Sincerely, Anatolii Kharchenko.

03.06.2018. Some people do not understand what the disclosure of the Linrec-2 reactor design means. If in the world somewhere a description of an industrial thermonuclear reactor with clear and convincing evidence of its efficiency will be published, this will immediately lead to a drop in prices for oil, gas, coal, uranium. After the construction of the first such reactor and the first experiment, the prices for oil, gas coal, uranium will decrease several times, and after the construction of a plant for the production of such reactors, the prices for these fossil resources will decrease by several tens of times. The capacities and resources of oil, gas and coal companies will be transferred to clean up the land, the ocean, and the atmosphere from pollution. Mankind will receive environmentally friendly, unlimited and cheap energy. The economy and life of all people will change dramatically. Each will have his own personal robotic electric vehicle. All the plants will be fully automated. The occupation of people will be art, programming, science, sports, travel. A unified information system will be created that integrates all economic, political, social, scientific data and systems. A real democracy will be established and the united mind of humanity will begin to function, which far exceeds any artificial intellect and any intellect of one person. And I already have a diagram of such a system. Comfort colonies will be created on the Moon, Mars, satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. Conditions of life there will be better than terrestrial ones. Large interstellar ships will fly to the stars. The thermonuclear energy of the industrial reactor Linrec-2 will allow all this. If the Linrec-2 scheme will not be properly opened or if it will be stolen, all this will not happen. Oil, gas, coal, uranium will end sooner or later, and humanity will return to the Middle Ages. Beginning endless war, human civilization as such will die.

16.06.2018. Dear partners. I inform you that the only reason why the formula, diagram and description of the Linrec-2 fusion reactor has not been published is the boorish repeated interference of the oligophrenic oligarchs and the SBU in telephone communication, the Internet, social connections and social surroundings. In such conditions, even an ordinary publication is a problem. Freedom of speech, human rights are roughly and brazenly violated in Ukraine. The Ukrainian oligarchs-oligophrenics deliberately and maliciously make obstacles with the publication of information necessary for people, intentionally hinder the progress of mankind and technological progress, blatantly declare their intention to steal intellectual property. A convincing request to all sensible people to pay attention to the fact that creativity, freedom of speech, inventions are the basis for the development and survival of human civilization. If the anti-democratic processes that are intensifying in Ukraine, the theft of intellectual property will not be stopped, then this will slow down the development of all mankind.

19.06.2018. 16.22. The formula of the invention "The Linnec-2 thermonuclear reactor". A thermonuclear reactor (a prototype is described in US44172008A patent, 1979) that uses colliding counter-beam plasma beams from plasma accelerators to which an electrical potential difference is applied that collide in the center of a vacuum vessel with a longitudinal magnetic field, which is differs in that 1. In the middle of the vacuum vessel there is a limited area in which the magnetic field changes its direction and magnitude (Z-shaped area of the magnetic field). 2. The operation of the reactor is controlled by an electronic device that determines the start and parameters of the first plasma beam, the start and parameters of the second plasma beam, the start of the supply of the electrical potentials to the first plasma beam and the second plasma beam, the magnetic field in the Z-shaped area in such a way that the head parts of electrically-charged plasma beams is colliding exactly in the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field. 3. The axis of the first plasma beam does not coincide with the axis of the second beam, so that between the two charged electrically head parts of the opposing plasma beams there is a sufficiently large torque at the meeting place of these plasma beams. When two charged plasma beams meet in the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field, there is a rotation of positive electric charges and negative electric charges around their center of mass, strong circular electric currents appear in the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field that create a strong magnetic field that keeps the incoming plasma in the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field of counter plasma beams. The description of the invention and surprising evidence of its effectiveness follows further Anatolii Ivanovich Kharchenko Date of birth 10-10-1964

20.06.2018. 14.40. 06/20/2018.
The formula of the invention "thermonuclear reactor with Z-shaped magnetic field" ("Linrec-Z fusion reactor").
A thermonuclear reactor (a prototype is described in US4172008A patent, 1979, which expired), which uses colliding beams of quasineutral plasma from plasma accelerators to which an electrical potential difference is applied that collide in the center of a vacuum vessel with a longitudinal magnetic field, which differs in that
1. - In the middle of the vacuum vessel there is a limited area in which the magnetic field changes its direction and magnitude (Z-shaped area of the magnetic field). - The operation of the reactor is controlled by an electronic device that determines the start and parameters of the first plasma beam, the start and parameters of the second plasma beam, the start of supply of the high voltage to the first plasma beam and the second plasma beam, the magnetic field on the Z-shaped area in such a way that the head parts of electrically-charged plasma beams is colliding precisely in the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field. - The axis of the first plasma beam does not coincide with the axis of the second beam and is at a certain distance from the axis of the second beam in the plane in which the axis of the magnetic field is shifted in the Z-shaped area, so that between two electrically charged head parts of the opposing plasma beams there is a sufficiently large moment of rotation at the meeting place of these head parts. When two charged plasma beams meet on the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field, there is a rotation of positive electric charges and negative electric charges around their center of mass due to their attraction, strong circular electric currents appear on the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field that create a strong magnetic field that confine the plasma of the opposing plasma beams entering the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field.
2. The same as in paragraph 1, but the electrodes for supplying electrical voltage to the plasma beams are inside the vacuum vessel.
3. The same as in step 1, but the end of the plasma accelerator is inside the vacuum vessel.
4. The same as in paragraph 1, but instead of metal electrodes for applying voltage to plasma beams, plasma electrodes are used.
5. The same as in paragraph 1, but instead of metal electrodes for applying voltage to plasma beams, parts of the plasma accelerators themselves are used.
6. The same as in paragraph 1, but instead of the deuterium-tritium mixture, deuterium or hydrogen is used, and the energy released in the reactor is absorbed into the blanket surrounding the vacuum vessel, and then diverted to the turbogenerator of electricity.
7. The same as in paragraph 1, but instead of the deuterium-tritium mixture, a mixture of boron-11 and hydrogen is used, and the energy of the high-energy helium nuclei released in the reactor is converted into electrical energy directly in the magnetohydrodynamic generator (aneutronic process).
8. The same as in paragraph 1, but instead of a deuterium-tritium mixture, a heavy elements plasma is used to transmute the elements and produce expensive and rare elements from common ones.
9. The same as in paragraph 1, but the vacuum vessel together with the solenoid surrounding it has a Z-shaped bend to create a Z-shaped area of the magnetic field.
10. The same as in paragraph 1, but in the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field there are additional solenoids for changing the configuration of the magnetic field in the Z-shaped area.
11. The same as in paragraph 1, but plasma accelerators are installed on moving platforms to change the distance between their axes.
12. The same as in paragraph 1, but the axes of the first and second plasma beam are shifted not in the plane in which the axis of the magnetic field is shifted in the Z-shaped area, but in the perpendicular plane.
13. The same as in paragraph 1, but instead of a vacuum vessel a gas-filled vessel is used, plasma accelerators and plasma beams are absent, and the cathode and anode are shifted relative to the axis of the vessel in the plane of Z-shaped bend of the magnetic field, so that the meeting of positive and negative charges occur on the Z-shaped area.
14. The same as in paragraph 1, but during the generation of plasma beams after the first applying of electrical voltage to the plasma beams, then a few more times electrical voltage are applied to the plasma beams.

06/20/2018. Brief description of the invention "thermonuclear reactor with Z-shaped magnetic field" ("Linrec-Z fusion reactor").
1. Field of the invention. The invention relates to the field of fusion energetics, namely to the field of thermonuclear reactors. This is a promising area of ​​energy, which uses the releasing of huge energy during the fusion of light-element nuclei, such as hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, helium-3, lithium, boron. In connection with unlimited fuel and ecological purity, thermonuclear energy is rightly considered the energy of the future.
2. Description of the Prior Art. At the moment, there is no one thermonuclear reactor that produces more electricity than it consumes. In the world there are many designs of fusion reactors, as well as many experimental installations of thermonuclear reactors However, none of these reactors produce electricity for the electric grid, especially on an industrial scale. The problem is that in the existing reactors the necessary Lawson criterion (the product of the concentration of nuclei for the retention time n * t) is not achieved. The minimum value of the Lawson criterion for the deuterium-tritium mixture is 2 * 10 ^ 20 s / cubic meter. For thermonuclear reactors with colliding plasma beams, the Lawson criterion is determined by the beam density (for the most powerful electrodynamic plasma accelerators the best result is 10 ^ 22 nuclei / cubic meter), the best result for beam duration is 500 microseconds ( although simultaneously these parameters are unattainable). Thus, without confinement the Lawson criterion is unattainable, to achieve this criterion, the parameters of plasma accelerators need to be improved hundreds of times and more. Confinement in linear open traps leads to plasma leakage in the longitudinal direction, along the axis of the longitudinal magnetic field.
3. Summary of the invention. To increase the density of plasma and increase the confinement time, a new thermonuclear reactor, Linrec-Z, is used. It is a vacuum tube from 1 meter long and up to tens of meters in diameter from tens of centimeters to a meter, depending on the power of the reactor. Although, in the future, in the miniaturization of plasma accelerators, the length of the tube and its diameter up to 10 centimeters are possible. A longitudinal magnetic field has been created in the tube with magnitude from several parts of Tesla to several Tesla. In the middle, this field has a Z-shaped bend, so that the axis of the field is shifted from a centimeter to several tens of centimeters. The axes of plasma accelerators are also shifted relative to each other by a distance of the same order in the same plane. Thus, when the plasma beams meet, they have a large moment of rotation. High voltage is applied to the beams (from tens of kilovolts to megavolts). When the heads of charged plasma beams meet in a Z-shaped area, the nuclei and electrons with high speed, attracted to each other, start to rotate about the center of mass by inertia. Thus, circular currents arise in the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field, the magnitude of which is comparable to the discharge current in the plasma, i.e., mega-amperes and more. These circular currents create a huge magnetic field in the Z-shaped bend, tens and hundreds of Tesla, which trap and confine the high-energy plasma entering the Z-shaped bend. Thus, the density of the plasma increases by a factor of hundreds with respect to the initial density of the beam, since all the plasma from the beams of several meters long and several tens of meters is confined in a limited area a few centimeters or several dozen centimeters in size. In addition, the electric discharge itself compresses the plasma beams, reducing the diameter of the beams by several times and increasing the concentration of the nuclei in the beam. Circular currents in the Z-shaped area of the magnetic field are damped, their decay time depends on the configuration of the magnetic field in the Z-shaped bend and on the initial parameters of the beams. In any case, their decay time is much longer than the time of the plasma pulse itself, and thus the plasma confinement time increases from microseconds to milliseconds and seconds, which is already sufficient for multiple exceeding of Lawson's criterion. An example and proof of prolonged plasma confinement with the help of strong circular currents is a ball lightning that lives minutes and even hours. A ball lightning is formed by a similar mechanism, when charges in linear lightning do not collide in a straight line, but in a Z-shaped bend of linear lightning, and begin to rotate relative to the center of mass. There can be no other explanation for the appearance of circular currents in ball lightning, since a strong linear current of linear lightning can be converted into a circular current of ball lightning only when fast-moving electric charges meet, which have a large moment of rotation relative to the center of mass.
4. Implementation of the invention. As described above, the efficiency of a thermonuclear reactor with Z-shaped magnetic fieldis achieved with the existing level of plasma accelerators. The cost of such a reactor is small, since, besides of using two existing plasma accelerators, it is enough to change the configuration of the magnetic field in a vacuum vessel and create an electronic device for controlling parameters. The fact, that the implementation of the Linrec-Z fusion reactor is feasible and effective in industry, is proved by the existence of ball lightning, which is formed by a principle similar to that described in the description of the invention "Linrec-Z fusion reactor" (rotation of rapidly moving electric charges in meeting area in a Z-shaped bend of an electric discharge).
© Anatolii Ivanovich Kharchenco, 2018
Anatolii Ivanovich Kharchenko Date of birth 10-10-1964

In addition to the description and design of the new Linrec-Z thermonuclear reactor, for the rapid and successful construction of the first effective efficient industrial reactor, the specific parameters of this reactor and the algorithms for their production for different types of fuel and various capacities of the Linrec-Z reactor are needed. They are with me. The author always has an advantage over clones.
© Anatolii Ivanovich Kharchenco, 2018

The mystery of the ball lightning is solved! At the moment (June 22, 2018), the phenomenon of ball lightning is considered inexplicable. In the course of my theoretical work on the new thermonuclear reactor Linrec-Z, I found the mechanism by which ball lightning is formed. First, it must be explained that for high-temperature plasma the most modern and most accurate computations with the help of supercomputers are not true - high-temperature plasma is unpredictable in principle because of unpredictable collective behavior of a huge set of charged particles. For example, in experiments with thermonuclear reactors, experimental data always differ substantially from those predicted theoretically. Therefore, I will explain how a ball lightning is formed, with the help of logic and elementary physics, wich is understandable even to the student. Obviously, the ball lightning is a plasma. Plasma can be retained in a limited space during several minutes only by a magnetic field. It is obvious that the magnetic field that holds the plasma in the ball lightning is an internal field. And the currents that create a magnetic field in the sphere of ball lightning can only be circular currents. In addition, these currents are so strong that they hold the plasma for minutes at a sufficiently high temperature. This is enough to explain how the ball lightning is formed! Strong circular currents can occur only when a strong current of ordinary linear lightning turns into a circular current during a thunderstorm. Such a transformation is possible only if the positive charge and the negative charge moving towards each other in the ionized lightning channel at the main discharge are not colliding in the linear straight area of the lightning, but on the Z-shaped area of the ionized channel (the leader of the lightning). In this case, the charges in the meeting area have a large moment of rotation, and they start in any case to rotate around their center of mass. This is the origin of circular currents that create a strong magnetic field. It is these circular currents that are the basis of ball lightning! The current in the lightning during the main discharge is hundreds of kiloamperes, and at the meeting area of charges it is even greater due to the attraction of charges and their acceleration at the meeting point. Accordingly, the magnetic field of such currents at a distance of about a centimeter is tens and hundreds of Tesla. Such a field is capable to confine the plasma at temperatures of hundreds of millions of degrees. The exact configuration of the circular currents inside the ball lightning is still unknown, but my hypothesis is the following. Positive charges (ions of air gases) move in a circle with a smaller radius than electrons, around their center of mass, in the same direction as the electrons. The charges of these currents are attracted, but the currents themselves repel, since they are currents of different directions. Thus, an equilibrium is created, and these currents can exist for a long time. So, ball lightning arises when different electric charges at the main discharge of ordinary lightning meet not in a straight area, but at the bend of the leader of the lightning, in the Z-shaped area of lightning, and circular currents are formed. That is why ball lightning does not occur with every ordinary lightning, but very rarely. My invention of the "thermonuclear reactor with Z-shaped magnetic field Linrec-Z" is in fact the creation of ball lightning in artificial and more favorable than natural conditions. And ball lightning is an experiment that nature itself posed. And this natural experiment proves that the thermonuclear reactor with Z-shaped magnetic field Linrec-Z really works and is efficient and industrial. Nature itself has proved this by demonstrating to people a ball lightning! © Anatolii Ivanoivich Kharchenko, 2018


In addition to the information about the Linrec-Z reactor published on the site, the author has additional information, wich was not published and without which it is impossible to create an industrial reactor Linrec-Z with high efficiency. And it's not only the algorithms for setting reactor parameters.
With this additional information, good management and availability of financial resources, the creation of the first industrial Linrec-Z reactor with maximum efficiency is possible in one to two years.
Those who deliberately interfere with the financing of the Linrec-Z project, all patent trolls and intellectual property thieves are enemies of all people and enemies of the planet Earth, and they will deal with the answer of God the Creator.

Sincerely, Anatoly Kharchenko.


Linrec-Z profit

The annual profit from the operation of the gigawatt reactor is about 80 million euros per year. (The profit from the sale of 1 kWh of energy about 1 cents (roughly the average in the world, retail electricity prices of about 10 cents per 1 kWh, average energy price 4 cents per 1 kWh)). Accordingly, the interesting cost of the reactor for the buyer - about 240 million euros. In the future, the cost of reactors will increase. The net profit from the sale of one reactor is about 50 mln. immediately and 10% of the net profit of the buyer of the reactor (for 1 year it is 8 million e.). The world energy market is 150 petawatt hours, capacity is 17000 GW. The sale of at least 8,000 gigawatt (half of the world's energy) is 8,000 Linrec-Z reactors with a total profit of 400 billion euros immediately (at a minimum) in the sale and 64 billion in one year after the complete sale of the reactors.
The owner of 1% of the project's profit in the finals receives 4 billion euros from the sale of reactors and plus an average of 640 million euros annually 10 years after the transfer of world energy to the reactors of Linrec-Z. Term of sale - from 10 years. The figures are indicative, rather they will be increased. The result is the transfer of most of the energy to environmentally friendly energy.

Calculation of the cost of selling 1% of the project profit.
Since 1% in the final brings about 4 billion euros over 10 years, at the plant construction stage a very attractive selling price for investors 1% of profit is 0.4 billion euros. At the stage of construction of the experimental reactor, but with a good model and expertise, 1% of profits can be sold approximately 100 times cheaper, that is for 4 million euros.

Since electronic communication is unreliable, do not trust it. For contact, there is an address SSTL of Ukraine (State Scientific and Technical Library), Kiev, 03680 Antonovycha str., 180, metro station "Lybidska" +38063-5428065(temporary).


The uniqueness of this situation lies in the fact that information on such a powerful topic as an industrial thermonuclear reactor is given to a person with a bad biography and poor social position, a citizen of a poor and corrupt country. For these reasons the implementation of the Linreс project was very time-consuming, although under other conditions, the Linreс reactor would already produce electricity from ordinary water.

The implementation of the Linreс project is impossible until people (at least some of them) understand the difference between the potential of the future and the events of the past, what is real forgiveness and real reward for it, what is providence and far-seeing. The actual fact is that those organizations that talk a lot about their adherence to Christian values, least of all adhere to them, but those who do not speak about them, actually act in a spirit of love, mutual aid, forgiveness.


It is necessary to explain the difference between the power station with the Linrec fusion reactor and the solar power station with similar parameters. For example, consider a real solar power plant with a capacity of 10 megawatts: It covers an area of ​​14.6 hectares and costs $ 10 million. Thus, a set of such solar power plants with a capacity of 1 Gigawatt will cost $ 1 billion and will occupy an area of ​​1,400 hectares (14 square kilometers). At the same time, such a power plant can produce electricity only during daylight hours, and in the dark time it is necessary to connect accumulator stations or external sources of electricity. The cost of battery stations for a full transition to solar electricity exceeds the cost of the solar power plants themselves, and these batteries need to be replaced at least once every three years.

With the same capacity of 1 Gigawatt, a power plant using the Linrec fusion reactor will cost four times less (with mass production even less), will occupy an area one hundred times less (in fact, hundreds of times less). At the same time, such a power plant with a Linrec reactor will produce electricity at any time in the right amount, during peak hours it can increase its power. In addition, a thermonuclear power station can work on another planet, in spaceships and spacestations, in interstellar space, underground, and under water.


Ukrpatent is reviewing my patent application for the Linrec-Z reactor number a201812178. - .

There is reviving interest in such designes. -


The Ukrainian organization “Up to future” has submitted an application for a grant of $ 100 million to the MacArthur Foundation for charitable assistance to Anatolii Kharchenko Linrec-Z project : .


It should be noted that when calculating thermonuclear reactors, no theoretical proofs can be considered reliable, even those obtained using supercomputers and the most recent achievements of mathematics and physics. The fact is that high-temperature plasma, in which thermonuclear reactions occur (temperatures of hundreds of millions and billions of degrees), cannot be accurately calculated and predicted in principle. This is because this plasma consists of a huge number of charged moving particles, nuclei and electrons, each of which interacts with each other. Therefore, the only proof of the effectiveness of a fusion reactor design can only be a successful experiment. In the case of the Linrec-Z reactor, nature itself set up a natural experiment in the form of ball lightning during a thunderstorm. Natural ball lightning can be formed only by the same principle, which is the basis of the Linrec-Z thermonuclear reactor, namely the appearance of super-strong circular currents when electric charges meet with a large angular momentum. The unique recording of ball lightning by Chinese scientists in 2012 ( , do not contradict this explanation, and the Linrec-Z principle fully explains the presence of soil ions in ball lightning.

The presence of silicon, iron, calcium ions in ball lightning, discovered in 2012 by Chinese scientists, can only be explained that ball lightning is formed from carriers of positive charges that rise from the soil from the surface of the earth when discharged. That is, ball lightning is formed upon the meeting of positive charges flying through the lightning leader from the earth (ions and nuclei of silicon, calcium, iron), and electrons flying through the lightning leader from above from the cloud. And this fact is fully consistent with the explanation given here and once again proves the efficiency of the Linrec-Z reactor. The fact recorded by Chinese scientists that ball lightning occurred during the discharge of ordinary linear cloud-to-ground lightning near the surface of the earth is fully explained by the theory of the occurrence of ball lightning at the meeting point of opposite charges during discharge (the ratio of the mass of an electron to the average mass of an ion flying from the surface of the earth - about 1 to 100,000, so the meeting of charges in linear lightning occurs near the surface of the earth, and relativistic corrections play a significant role).


New edition of the article "The mystery of the ball lightning is solved!" published in English and Russian at


Who can be an expert for the new design of a fusion reactor ? -

For those who want to find contact with the author: telephone and Internet communications are interrupted and falsified by special services. For personal contact, the author can be found in the reading room on the 14th floor of the State Scientific and Technical Library - 03150, Kiev, 180 Antonovich Street, next to Lybidskaya metro station, once a week.


PCT International Patent Application for Linrec-Z Reactor (Invention THERMONUCLEAR REACTOR WITH Z-SHAPED MAGNETIC FIELD, PCT/UA2019/000151) was filed on December 05, 2019. The international publication of this application with access via the PATENTSCOPE system is scheduled for June 18, 2020. The priority date is December 10, 2018.

This application makes it possible to continue filing national patent applications in any PCT country that save novelty for the author after publication for a year or six months. Such countries include, for example, Canada, Brazil, Germany, USA, Russia, India, Japan, Australia and many others.

Comments on the Ukrpatent ISA report on this application are available in the file


06/18/2020 WIPO published an international application for the invention of "Thermonuclear Reactor with a Z-shaped Magnetic Field" with a search report and other documents. Publication number WO/2020/122853 is available on the PATENTSCOPE website.


Since many people find it difficult to understand why a thermonuclear reactor is needed, a video has been created with the title "Thermonuclear Energy - Myth or Reality." This video explains the role of thermonuclear energy in human life and the conditions for its creation. This video is available at - . Also video about safety of nuclear and fusion reactors has been created - .


Article The most dangerous delusion in thermonuclear energy (in Russian) .

Article The blatant deceit of Ukrainian nuclear physicists, including with regard to the international project worth 20 billion euros (in Russian) .

Article Gigantic deception worth 20 billion .


A brief overview of the invention of the PhD in Physics and Mathematics A. Vakhney has been published -


Written opinion on the invention of the PhD in Physics and Mathematics A. Vakhney has been published -

Cases of interference in communications by hackers hired by special services and oligarchs have become more frequent. For contact, reliable communication and obtaining reliable information, visit the author in person.


What happened to the Linrec fusion reactor project?

No, he didn't disappear or fail. It is frozen, preserved at the initial level that was recorded in the patent for the initial model dated January 2022. I did not support this patent, since the development of the project is currently impossible and could lead to the technology being captured by aggressive people groups and used to destroy and enslave humanity.

Neither humanity nor any individual country is ready to receive this technology. Imagine that now you have a compact energy source with almost unlimited power and operating time. Now such a source will first of all be installed on tanks, military aircraft, missiles with nuclear and conventional warheads, and on military space stations. The destruction and enslavement of people will be inevitable. The power of evil, stupid, aggressive people will become unlimited. And it already appeared at the initial stage of the project, as a result of which it was stopped and frozen.

Therefore, I started another project, which should reduce the aggression of people and bring normal and non-aggressive people to power. It is based on my 1995 work, which is even more relevant 27 years later. ( ) (with good browser and OS).

The apparent reason for stopping the Linrec project was the unprecedented attempts of corrupt oligarchic groups to steal project information and intellectual property by any means. It started back in 2016 - Then these “people”, with the help of the corrupt police and similar “bodies”, showed their essence in child abuse, lies and slander. They themselves tried to build this reactor, but from 2016 to 2023 it became obvious that the thieves would never build an industrial fusion reactor. Even with a trillion dollars and a hundred academicians. Some call it karma, some call it God's providence, some call it quantum entanglement. The fact is that the lives of these information thieves and those around them have gotten worse, and this is just the beginning.

Now there is a possibility of such a story with another invention - - but on a larger scale.

Now, for the author to build an industrial thermonuclear reactor, only the support of the majority and resources is not enough. Now this is possible only after the complete isolation of these “people” mentioned above.

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