New deciphering of Gobekli Tepe

This article opens a new decoding of the key symbols of the ancient temple Gobekli Tepe, its purpose and role in the history of mankind.

In 2014, archaeologist Klaus Schmidt died, who in 1996 opened the world Gobekli Tepe. This is the oldest megalithic temple complex, which many scientists call the "cradle of the gods" and "the cradle of civilization." Its age is estimated at 12 thousand years, it appeared 6,200 years earlier than the first cities of Sumer and 6,500 years before the first pyramids of Egypt. So far, all the conclusions about his appointment are preliminary, and the main symbols are not decoded. This ancient temple has changed the views of scientists, as this cult construction appeared earlier than agriculture, before cities, before metal tools. The main unresolved issue is what prompted wild hunters and gatherers to build a stone megalithic structure with stone tools, where one monolith weighs up to 20 tons? Information about the complex:

Below I describe my decoding of the basic symbols Gobekli Tepe made by me in October 2017. There is no such decoding in the available sources of information about Göbeckly-tepe. This interpretation completely explains the main purpose of the Gobekli-tepe temple complex and its role in history. The decoding is presented in the form of conclusions, the process of decoding is not described here. (This process is based on knowledge of psychology, analysis of the primitive thinking of the Neolithic person and the conditions of his life). And my decoding is radically different from the deciphering of the Klaus Schmidt itself (the cemetery) and from the widespread modern astronomical decoding.

I will list the basic symbols of Gobekli Tepe, which are here decoded.

1. Images on the central pillar 18 of the Enclosure D. 2. Images on the central pillar 31 of the Enclosure D. 3. Images on the central pillar 2 of the Enclosure A. 4. T-shaped form of megaliths. 5. 12 pillars in a circle in the Enclosure D.

Plan of the Gobekli Tepe complex:

1. Pillar 18 of Enclosure D, the most significant in the whole temple complex. This is a woman who symbolizes sexual intercourse and the birth of children. The prototype of the future goddesses of love, sex, family and child-bearing Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Aphrodite and others. Let's call it the goddess N.


In the bottom of the column are seven wingless birds. These are her children.

On the belt, the alternating symbols C and H. C are the image of the new moon, H is the symbol of the sexual act (vertical sticks are man and woman, the horizontal stigma is the male's organ, and H is the symbol of the man and woman associated in the sexual act).

The woman's hands are pressed to the bottom of the belly and indicate the place of concentration of her attention. During pregnancy - it's a child in the belly and caring for him, during intercourse - the center of sensuality and attention.

On the front of the belt there are 2 H symbols in the normal position and 3 H symbols in the rotated (lying) position. Ordinary H symbolizes the sexual act in standing pose, lying H - the sexual actin in lying pose.

The image of the fox closes the genitals. A fox is a symbol of sexual intercourse. Ancient hunters have often observed how a fox hides in a hole. This action is similar in form to the onset of sexual intercourse. Therefore, the fox symbolizes sexual intercourse (and not a comet as astronomers write. Sorry scientists astronomers, I also love astronomy, but the truth is more valuable)). The head of a fox with five folds depicts the vagina, and the tail with two legs is the male genitalia. The fact that the vagina and the male organ are depicted in one animal symbolizes the union of them in sexual intercourse.

Image of a fox on a woman's torso. This is the symbol of sexual intercourse on the body. It is a symbol of sex as the main action that is dominant for this woman and in this place. This is the power of the given goddess H and the strength of specific Neolithic women who being the most skilful in sex in their tribe, first served as the image for the goddess H and for the pillar 18, and later they were priestesses and servants of this goddess. Pillar 18 embodies female sex, childbirth and is its symbol in general.

The symbol H is like a pendant on a necklace on the neck of a woman. It is a symbol of sex as the meaning of this woman's life. This H on the necklace differs from the other H in that it has two connecting sticks instead of one. The upper stick is a kiss, the lower one is the sexual intercourse or the connected hands. This is already a symbol of not only sex, but also love as a social and emotional phenomenon.

Ring over the moon on the second necklace on the woman's neck. The symbol of the menstrual cycle and the fact that the woman's body is subject to the lunar cycle.

So, the symbolism of pillar 18 is clearly and clearly proved. The goddess of love was the main figure in the temple complex. It was she who attract nomadic tribes of hunters and gatherers, it was she who inspired wild Stone Age people to process and to move 20-ton megaliths. She was a professional in sex and passed the culture of sex, a culture of communication, the culture of the family to wild hunters and gatherers. It was the beginnuing of the civilization.

Where did this knowledge and these skills come to the goddess H from? This is an even more complicated question, the answer to which is approximately the same as the question of how Newton discovered the law of gravitation. God the Creator gave it to her at the right time.

2. Pillar 31 of Eclosure D, which stands next to the goddess H. This is her husband or her man.


The fox that closes the genitals symbolizes the sex for which he came to this temple and for which he stands next to the goddess H.

Hands are pressed to the bottom of the belly and indicate the place of concentration of his attention.

The skull of a bull on a necklace on the neck symbolizes the male principle. Primitive people saw the bull as a strong, stubborn, purposeful creature, a male whose horns symbolize an erection. It was such people - strong, purposeful - who could move a 20-ton megalith.

This is the prototype of the power of the supreme gods - Osiris, Zeus, Marduk.

3. The central pillar 2 of the Enclosure A. It depicts a bull, a fox, a stork.


According to the symbolism of the Enclosure D, the ox is the husband, the fox is the wife, the stork is their child. This pillar is a symbol of the family.

Pillar 2 is more ancient than pillars 18 and 31. Obviously, the symbolism and cult of Gobekli Tepe was changing and evolving in time.

4. The T-shaped form of megaliths is a symbol of the importance of the head, brain, and human thinking in a civilized society. At the same time, the intentionally increased size of the head - the upper block of the megalith - indicated the importance of the head in the temple.

If for the hunters the strength of the hands, the speed of the feet were important, and it was the arms, legs, and trunk that they felt during and after the hunt, then in the ancient temple of Gobekli Tepe there were a completely new sensation of the head, feelings and processes occurring in the head, in the skull . That's why there are a lot of skulls in Gobekli Tepe.

For the first time hunters and gatherers begin to feel the head as the center of feelings and sensations during the unusual, sensual sex that they received in the temple. It was not an instinctive sexual act, as in animals, it was a social, ritual, sensual action, it was the first love as a civilized sensuality and action. It was this woman, the prototype of the goddess H who created this sensuality, this feeling and then the whole setting of the temple, including megaliths with images. And it was for the creation of such a atmosphere that the Gobekli Tepe temple was built.

It was a temple of love, sex, procreation and family. Wild people, hunters and gatherers, came here from all over Anatolia to give birth to a child, to conceive a child, to find a couple, to get incredible sexual sensations. In the Gobekli Tepe temple they were turning into civilized communicating people with a primary knowledge of cultural civilized love, civilized sex, civilized child-bearing. They turned into thinking people, who feel their head as the center of their lives. And so the head on the Gobekli Tepe monoliths is incredibly large and is a separate upper block.

To increase sensuality in sex and a sensations in the head they was using a beer from local wild cereals. Perhaps they was using the fungi-galucinogens, and the T-shaped form of monoliths also symbolizes the shape of the fungus.

5. 12 columns in a circle in the Enclosure D - this is 12 months a year. It is with Gobekli Tepe that the use of the number 12 in mathematics and in religion begins. Here is the beginning of the sexagesimal (base-60) numeral system in Babylon, the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles of Christ.

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It was the thinking people of Gobekli Tepe who for the first time in history began to grow wheat and to domesticate wild animals. The significance of the Gobekli Tepe temple in this regard is enormous. This was the beginning of civilization, the cradle of the gods, it was our ancestors. It was the center of the Neolithic revolution.

From the Gobekli Tepe region the spread of agriculture and livestock, the use of metals and creation of temples begins. After the thinking people of Gobekli Tepe invented these technologies that were breakthrough for humanity, the Gobekli Tepe temple became no longer needed, it fulfilled its mission in history. Therefore, at the beginning of the 8th millennium BC the Gobekli-Tepe temple complex was completely covered with earth, and it turned into a prototype of barrows and pyramids. And people who know the knowledge and culture of Gobekli Tepe, were spreading throughout the world, giving rise to the cities of Sumer, the gods and pharaohs of Egypt, the barrows of proto-Indo-Europeans.

And even now the Gobekli Tepe temple gives a lesson for modern cosmic civilization. Which lesson? Look at the megaliths and guess. The culture of sex, the culture of the family, the culture of procreation are the beginning and the basis of civilization in the past and in the future.

This text is the intellectual property of Anatolii Kharchenko. When using this decoding of Gobekli Tepe, please mention this article and author. This text was written on October 16, 2017.

The author also has a decoding of other symbols of the Gobekli Tepe temple complex. But to understand the purpose and role of the temple Gobekli Tepe the above text is enough.

Copyright © 2017 Anatolii I. Kharchenko

New deciphering of Gobekli Tepe

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